2/10/25 Prayer

Heavenly Father, You created the heavens and the earth. You. You to me generally means one, but in Your case, it means three. The Trinity—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—all three were there at creation.

My mind can’t wrap itself around how three can be one. But with You, it can be.

I am thankful that with You, You means three. You are my loving Father, always faithfully loving and providing—so much so that You sent Your Son to save me. You are Son; a man who walked the earth and felt, experienced, and lived as I do. You relate to me in a very personal and experiential way. You are Holy Spirit, God within me, so close, so intricately involved and aware of my inner being as my outer experience. Mind blown!

In this world we have a choice—to live by the flesh or with the Spirit. Paul describes it in Your Word. “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” I pray that I choose to live with The Holy Spirit and to be focused on Your way and what You want.

But it’s not that easy. I am flesh! I am inherently sinful in nature and my first choice will most always be to do what is easy, what is instinctual. I want what I want when I want it, because I want it. Sigh, I need help.

Thank You for not leaving me here, sitting on my pity pot, feeling helpless and giving into the flesh. No, again, I have a choice.

I choose to ask You Holy Spirit to move me, to prompt me, to do whatever You need to do to awaken within me the daily choice of following You, living with The Spirit. Open my soul, my mind, my heart to feel Your promptings, to remember that when I’m failing to be more like Jesus, that I can’t do it on my own. After I make that daily choice, it is in Your, The Spirit’s power, that it is accomplished. Help me not strive but to work with You, The Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit, You are my Guide on earth. You can increase my desire and give me the strength to live as Jesus—the Jesus way, not the earthly, flesh way. You can convict me when I go off path. Please do that. Please be gentle.

Please prompt my heart and reveal to me the right choice, the right path. Strengthen me, give me the courage to make the Jesus way choices. Change me(yikes, what will that mean!). While that is so scary to think about because it’s an unknown, I trust You more than me. You are the Maker of all things!

When I’m trying so hard and failing, remind me Holy Spirit that You are but a gentle whisper away. Holy Spirit help me—prompt me to say that.

In the Ever Present Name of Jesus I pray.
