2/17/25 Prayer

Hello Almighty God! Thank You for making me, for drawing me to You. Thank You that I am Yours and can never be snatched away. There is peace and safety in that.

Thank You for always being with me, that I can be with You at anytime and anywhere. There is no limit on our relationship. I pray that I invest my time and energy into growing it, to spending more time with You. It’s cool because I don’t just have to be sitting and reading my Bible, but I can be walking about, doing everyday chores, talking to You. You love when I do that. Yes, You are holy, but You humbled Yourself to be a man, to do ordinary things. So, You’re just fine doing ordinary things with me.

And yet, You provide even more than Yourself. You put people in my life who also walk and talk with You. Not only do You convict and speak truths into me, You do so into others as well. Your Word tells us that we, Your followers, constitute the Body of Christ. We are Your hands and feet. You use each of us in very specific and intentional ways to accomplish Your purposes.

May I remember these truths as I venture through life. May I not just put my head down to do life alone or with those in my household. As I confront decisions, encounter challenges, consider choices, may I seek the counsel of those who follow You—those who seek to live their lives Your way, surrendering to Your will. You speak into my heart when I ask (and many times when I don’t—thank goodness!!). And You speak into the hearts of those following You. Your Wisdom and intentions cannot be captured by just one, that’s why we have the Body of Christ!

Holy Spirit, please give me the courage and opportunity to invite other followers (or even just one) into my life to consider the road ahead, to help me make sense of things when I’m confused or lack confidence in how to proceed. Gosh, even when I think I know best, give me the humility to “check myself,” to make sure I’m making the right choice or going down the right path. Remind me that Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts, and that when two or more of Your followers are together, You are there. I want You to be there when I’m making my decisions and even everyday choices!

Thank You Heavenly Father for the community in which You have placed me, indeed blessed me. May we walk together, spurring each other along, sharing with each other the Wisdom and Truth that You speak into each of us. May I do that for another.

In the Wise Name of Jesus I pray.
