I was lost, but now I’m found. You found me, Jesus. It’s humbling because I didn’t even realize that I was lost or that I needed saving. I didn’t realize how much I need You. But that’s how beautiful and merciful You are. That’s how grand Your design is for my life. Your Word tells me.
“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. … Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.”
And this is not just for me; it’s for every person who lives. You want Your Kingdom full, brimming over in joy. “You will search for the lost and bring back the strays. You seek to bind up the injured and strengthen the weak.” How beautiful and perfect is Your Heart. How ceaseless is Your work in bringing the lost to Yourself.
I think You want me to a part of this story, to participate. The lost are everywhere. Just as Your Heart breaks for the lost, I pray mine does too. Give me eyes to see them and a desire to point them to You—to talk to them about how You’ve worked in my life. Help me share my story so that they may hear, and then believe, that You love and deeply care for them and me. I pray they are inspired to look up, to seek You.
Holy Spirit, please give me the courage to do this, and lead me when these opportunities present themselves. Soften my heart, my mind and my soul, to feel Your gentle prompts. Give me a desire to listen intently for Your voice.
I pray to be a part of Your plan, Lord, to bring the lost to Your loving and merciful Presence. And I thank You with all my heart, for calling me, one that was lost, to be one of Yours.
In the Ceaseless Name of Jesus I pray.