Heavenly Father, You are a Friend to the lonely. You are always with me, even though I may not realize it or feel it. Yet, it only takes a moment to be with You. I need only whisper Your Name, in my mind or softly out loud.
I am so grateful that I can talk to You whenever and wherever. I don’t have to be in a special place or in church. Wherever I am, there You are. I also don’t have to be formal or rehearsed in talking to You. You don’t want fancy words or elaborate prayers. You simply want to hear the plain truth of what’s on my heart, even if it’s that I am mad at You or unhappy about my situation. I can be happy, or I can be sad. You have no expectations of me when I come to You. It’s a heartfelt conversation. You simply love that I come to be with You.
Not everyone knows this, and I even sometimes forget; or I simply don’t act on it. Lord, You made me in Your image, and Jesus came and demonstrated Your unfailing love and mercy. I pray that in my walk with You, The Holy Spirit works to transform me more and more into the person You made me to be. And in that transformation, may I seek to be with the lonely, the needy. May I seek to make them feel seen and loved. May I stop, take the time to be with them, to show them that they are worthy and of infinite value. May I listen to them intently as You do to me. May I not want to make them feel “better,” but instead, hold their hand in whatever they are feeling or experiencing. May I make it about them, and not me.
You see me. You see us all. I pray to remember that in my time of need or loneliness. And I pray that I may share this gift of grace with another.
In the Beautiful Name of my Friend Jesus I pray.