3/24/25 Prayer

Lord Almighty, You are the God of all humanity, everything that has breath, and everything that is. You are compassionate, so kind and gentle. Nothing escapes Your view; You see it all.

Nothing is too trivial, nothing too small. It’s pretty crazy … You created everything that exists—the sun, the moon and stars, our universe, the galaxies—yet little ole me matters to You. And that’s the same for every person you made. Nothing and no one is insignificant to You.

Give me that heart. Give me that mindset. Illuminate that truth into my soul. I pray to see the world as You do; to see people—all people—as you do. There are so many left out, so many forgotten, so many dismissed. It shouldn’t be. When You walked the earth, You always had time for those who were overlooked. In fact, You sought them out. May I do that. Holy Spirit, move in me in such a way that awakens my own spirit to seek out those who are left out, forgotten and dismissed. And may I encourage others to do the same. 

Also … 

You sought me out, may I share the good news of You with another. May I lay a Jesus seed in their heart and be a part of Your amazing plan in their life. Because, truly, that’s the way to not be left out, forgotten, or dismissed. When someone knows You, they learn and accept in their heart that they are of infinite value; that they are a beloved child of the Almighty God!! That arouses something in our souls, that gives us hope and promise. And with time, walking with You brings more peace into our lives.

In the Glorious Name of Jesus I pray.
