Past Worship Experiences
Worship needs to stay fresh and relevant! Below you will find links to past sermons (organized by multi-week themes we call a Sermon Series).
Yes, “sin” is an ugly “s” word. Yet, there is another “s” word with which we are almost more uncomfortable: surrender. Neither waving the white flag in battle nor allowing ourselves to be pinned to the mat in wrestling seem like anything we are eager to do. But that’s not quite what God has in mind. Just as ground that is cultivated has a better opportunity to receive seed & produce vegetation with beautiful flowers and life-giving fruit, letting go of control & submitting to the leadership of Jesus has the opportunity to fulfill his deeper purpose in our lives. It is in surrender to God that we not only avoid sin, but also grow & mature in faith, which is beautiful & life-giving to the people around us.
Christmas is one of those seasons of the year where we see the true signs of God at work. We see it not only in the manger scenes lying around, but also when the anger, lies and selfishness that splits up families & communities is replaced by kindness, gentleness, forgiveness and acceptance of one another. Word had gotten around about how the people of this new church in Colossae loved one another, even though there were major differences of race, background & culture. This was occurring because they realized Jesus was not only the one who was born in a manger, but was also the supreme and sufficient fullness of God, the visible image of the invisible God, the One who is and offers hope, peace, joy and love - all we need for salvation and living the full life God intended. Interested in hope, peace, joy & love? What if this Christmas we realized that all we need is Jesus?
Fish need to remain in the water, plants need to remain in the ground, and humans need to remain in connection with God. Remove a fish from the water, a plant from the ground and a person from God’s presence and they immediately begin to die. Nutrients surround the fish, the plant & people but how they appropriate those vital elements of life determine their individual health. Staying in the stream, soil and presence of God’s grace is what gives life. Join us for worship as we explore the spaces that are truly an overlap between heaven & earth.
Every one of us has longings that come factory loaded. The longing for friendship. The longing for meaningful work. The longing for freedom from fear and anxiety. The longing for an undivided life. As we grow and develop, the yearning for these needs to be fulfilled becomes stronger and stronger. Spirituality is what we do with our longings. Sometimes we make good choices and other times we seek to satisfy our soul thirst in unhealthy ways. Ultimately, all these aches are for God and can only be filled by God. Join us as we examine some of these soul longings and what to do with them.
What do you know about God? Based on what you know about God, how will you respond to what you are facing today? The Hebrew people often referred to God as The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This was to be a reminder of who God had been in the past, could be trusted to be in the present and would continue to be in the future. Are you viewing your situation through the lens of what you know to be true about God? When you look at the lives of other people, what does it tell you about their god/God? When other people look at your life, what does it tell them about your God?
Everyone is looking for love whether we admit it or not. We are wired to long for it and are our best selves when we express it. The trouble is often we are looking in the wrong places for it to be fulfilled or have a misguided belief as to what it actually is. God is love, has gone to great lengths to demonstrate his love towards us, and commands us to love others as he has loved us. Where are you taking direction as to what is true love? Let’s explore together what one follower of Jesus has described as the most excellent way!
ROOTED: Basic Christian Beliefs
Praying regularly keeps us rooted & grounded in our relationship with God. Studying Scripture keeps us rooted & grounded in the basic beliefs the church has held to be true through the ages. Using the Apostles’ Creed as a map, we will journey together through what all Christians in all places at all times believe. This is Christianity in simplified form, a sort of Doctrine Digest or Cliff Notes for followers of Jesus. What beliefs are held by all Christians everywhere at all times of history? We can respectfully disagree about many things, but these are the absolute essentials of Christianity.
What is prayer? Simply put it is talking and listening to God. Yet although most of us know we should pray and even want to pray, we don’t really understand what to do. We see in the Bible Jesus praying over 38 times. That’s got to point to the importance and significance of prayer as being essential to knowing God. As Chris Hodges in Pray First says, “Prayer overcomes anxiety and fear, connects us with God, reveals God’s purpose for our lives and empowers us to live supernaturally.” Join us as we learn what it means and how to keep in constant contact with Almighty God so that we can experience the full abundance of life.
Poured Out
What if we were to pour ourselves out instead of wear ourselves out this Christmas? The difference is a matter of perspective. Sometimes we are in seasons of life where we continually pour out and don’t have a choice to fill up. If we are unable to find time to fill up on God’s word or with God’s people or share with others, then something has to change. A person who is filled up can pour out. A person who is empty and dry can only wear out. As we seek to trust God to meet our needs, perhaps he is interested in using us to be the answer to the needs of someone else. The hope, peace, joy and love we have received in Jesus is also the gift God longs for us to share with others.
RUTH: Ordinary Everyday Excellence
We want our lives to count for something, make an impact on the world or a difference in someone’s life. The story of Ruth is full of the kind of admirable qualities that make people sit up and take notice: courage, kindness and self-sacrifice. From the midst of one of the most corrupt and dysfunctional periods of history of the people of God, comes the life of a young woman seeking refuge under the wings of God. She lives with such integrity that it inspires the salvation of a little town. Want your life to make a difference? The life of Ruth teaches us that deep impact is the result of everyday lives lived with extraordinary integrity.
Our creative God made people unique and diverse. Individually we only reflect a portion of God, but together we have the potential to reflect a fuller essence of the character of God. God is wise, caring, radiant, creative, knowledgeable, insightful, joyful, protective and peaceful. Our personality’s strengths reflect God’s attributes, so the more we live into them the more we glorify God and bless others. So, what does each person have to offer? How are we better with people and less without them? How are we to bless people and how are we to receive blessing from them?
AAAAnd Action!
Our creative God made people unique and diverse.
Individually we only reflect a portion of God, but together we have the potential to reflect a fuller essence of the character of God. God is wise, caring, radiant, creative, knowledgeable, insightful, joyful, protective and peaceful. Our personality’s strengths reflect God’s attributes, so the more we live into them the more we glorify God and bless others.
So, what does each person have to offer?
How are we better with people and less without them?
How are we to bless people and how are we to receive blessing from them?
Got skills? Got talent? Got heart? Of course you do! Ever wonder what you are supposed to use them for? Life has meaning and purpose in God. Our purpose is to fulfill God’s mission with everything we’ve got - our gifts, passion, abilities, personality and experience. If you don’t know all you have at your disposal, let’s discover it together. After all, we can’t individually accomplish God’s mission alone, we need each other. In fact, we are better together and part of something much bigger than ourselves. In His creative and amazing power, God has given followers of Jesus everything we need, that when working together, fully represent Him on this planet and accomplish His purpose. Yet, each one of us is absolutely unique and different, no two of us are completely alike. Join us to discover how you are gifted & talented and how we are intended to work together to become perfectly Jesus shaped!
Mosaic: Serving the Margins
Our world has deep hurts and pains. You don’t have to look too hard, too long or too far to find suffering. What breaks God’s heart should break ours. Too often we keep scrolling or turn the channel when we see those in need. Jesus came “to set the captives free” (Luke 4) and to serve “the least of these” (Matthew 25).
FIRE STARTERS Partnering with God
You might say it all begins with attitude. Disciples serve, but in order to do that, we have to place others first and ourselves second. That’s not easy to do, but Jesus did say the last shall be first and the first shall be last! Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. Do you need an attitude check or to check your attitude? Continuously straining and striving to be first will lead to empty second but intentionally settling in to be second will enable you to wind up in the right and full position of first. God starts the fire in us, but we can help it spread.
If it can come to all the Whoos down in Whoville, can it come to us? “And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ‘til his puzzler was sore. Then, the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?”
It’s not that the boxes and lights and parties are bad, we just need to make sure that the most important reason for Christmas is simply Jesus. The hope we need isn’t a certain thing, it’s simply Jesus. The peace we long for doesn’t come from our next day off or a trip to a far-off place, it’s simply Jesus. The joy we want doesn’t come from a certain job, promotion or some success, it’s simply Jesus. The faith that doesn’t disappoint isn’t in ourselves, it’s simply Jesus. What we and our world need, not just rather for the holidays, is simply Jesus
honest to god
Can we really be honest with God? Does God care about the small details of our lives? What is the appropriate way to express ourselves before the Almighty? Emotion doesn’t surprise God, he created it! And if you think you’re the first one to be concerned about how to express anger, displeasure, discouragement or disappointment toward God…think again! We can be completely honest with God and in doing so, God heals our hearts and restores hope. God is faithful to be with us through the good and the bad, the ups and the downs of life. So, are you hiding from God or honest to God?
There are ideas, passions and ways of doing life that we regularly pursue thinking they will lead to fulfillment…but they don’t. After following the trail of clues they leave behind, we find the evidence of deflated, discouraged and depressed people. Under closer examination, we realize these imposters have only been masquerading as truth but are actually robbing us of the critical oxygen that sustains our very life and breath. How long will we rob ourselves? What if we were to resist buying into these deceptive imposters and instead take our cues from the One who is our very Source and Life?! Perhaps then we would experience lives infused with the encouragement, inspiration and purpose God intends.
The Bible has often been called the living word. Like a ray of hope penetrating the darkness, its truth can travel through the ages and speak the right word at just the right time. All s0cripture is important, but for many reasons, particular verses, passages, stories or books have a significant impact on certain individuals. Need to hear a good word today? Listen to what has comforted, encouraged and inspired people to be faith-filled followers of Jesus. As these people share the reason for the hope they have in Jesus, these people become a ray of hope that might just be the right word at the right time for you!
Would you use the words marvelous, stirring, daring, or transforming to describe your life? Perhaps we’ve bought into a false notion of happiness and success, been lulled into living lives of the status quo, or settled for simply getting by. We aren’t supposed to tolerate mundane lives until Christ comes back. We are intended to bring heaven on earth! Like secret agents, followers of Jesus are to disrupt the enemy’s plan by living counter-culturally. Our way of life, thinking and plan of action must all change if we are to live on the upside in a downside world!
dusty & dirty
In ancient times, it was said that a disciple was to follow the rabbi so closely he was covered by the dust from the rabbi’s sandals. Too often we are casual or half-hearted in our walk with Christ. It’s time we were clear about expectations God has for his followers. Instead of hoping we hit the mark, or thinking we might learn by osmosis, let’s take intentional steps to grow in maturity. It’s time we get dusty & dirty!
What if we were to see Christmas through the eyes of a child? Perhaps we could recapture the curiosity and wonder. First and foremost we are children of God. Have you taken the significance of the season for granted? Do you long for the return of that sense of wonder you had as a child? Consider the holy day and the season that surrounds it as if for the first time. What fresh perspective might God awaken in your heart and soul this Christmas?
What kind of story grabs your attention? Romance? Comedy? Action? Biography? Each of us has a story to tell. Each of us has highs and lows, significant characters, rising action, conflict and hopefully resolution, redemption or healing. We have a lot to learn from the stories of characters in the Bible, but also from the stories of those we work with, play with and worship with. God is writing a story through your life that others can be encouraged and inspired by as well. Want to discover your story and how it fits into God’s story?
Grace. It’s a wonderful name and a beautiful word. It conjures up the picture of someone who moves smoothly or has a delightful character. Some people seem to exhibit more of it than others. But what does it mean? Where does it come from? How does it operate? In one illustration, God said, “I am the potter and you are the clay.” The exploration of that relationship can help us more deeply understand the reality of grace and the “priceless treasure” we contain as jars of clay!
You Asked for it - Take 2
We asked you and New Life has responded! These are the questions that keep us up at night. So, during the summer we will explore the top ten questions New Lifers are asking about faith and life. Join us every week for a new, unique topic such as evil, heaven and hell, anxiety and what makes Christianity special among other world religions. You asked for it!
Long Story Short
Ever felt like reading the Bible was daunting, confusing, strange or even offensive? We’ve all been there. By the end of the series, you will not only have a deeper understanding of what God has been up to in all of history, but you will also have an idea of where it’s all going! Join us as we seek to make God’s long story short!
Love Better
Jesus said we should love one another as he loved us. Imagine a world where people may be skeptical of what Christians believe but envious of how well they treated one another. We are in desperate need of outward demonstrations of God’s love to restore levels of respect, dignity and civility. What if we just loved one another better? Who better to show us how to love than the lover of our souls, Jesus!
What do you think of this… You have a heavenly Father in heaven who loves you and wants to pour out his blessing on you. Does that resonate with you? Disturb you? Stir up a longing in your heart? Cause you to want to run the other way? What about these statements: You have worth. You are known. You have meaning. We’re all coming from different places and different experiences with our earthly dads. Some have had the blessing of a good relationship. Others don’t have a relationship to speak of. For some, the wounds run deep and seem insurmountable. Even if we’ve experienced a breakdown in our relationship with our earthly dads, it doesn’t mean we can’t experience a miracle recovery in our relationship with God. We are wired to know God, but many of us have obstacles preventing us from basking in God’s love for us. However, God can restore us and raise us up healed and whole, help us experience identity, worth and blessing and know God’s deep love as it was intended.
We begin the year when folks are ready to put 2020 behind and are so hopeful about what 2021 might bring. It may feel like we've been in a slumber during 2020 just trying to survive. We want to pray for God's awakening in our individual lives, our church, our country and our world. As our souls, nation and world are experiencing a great awakening, we can then spend some time to bask and drink in the amazing love God has for each one of us as sons and daughters. That heavenly awareness can help heal our earthly relationships. Once we have become awakened to God and rested in God's love, then we will be in a place to explore our story in light of who God is and what God has done. As we consider how we can share God's love, it will be a natural outflow of response to God rather than out of obedience, duty or some perceived expectation. So, in preparation I invite you to join me in praying daily for awaking. I also plan on fasting Wednesday lunch and spending the time from noon to 12:30pm in prayer for awakening in our church, nation and world. Feel free to let me know if you want to join in this with me and we can encourage one another over the next several weeks.
WITH THE GRAIN - How the World Actually Works
Spiritual and mental health are becoming increasingly elusive in our busy culture. Jesus was not only Savior of the world, but the most intelligent teacher to ever live. In fact, Jesus was a master teacher, an astute observer of the human condition and his teachings are not just right but are the best way to live. As John Mark Comer states in his book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, “They are statements about how the world actually works. And if you ignore them, not only do you rupture relationship with God, but you also go against the grain of the universe he created.” We’ve bought into some pretty big lies that are wreaking havoc on our emotional health and spiritual lives. Join us as we dispel the lies with the truth to open up the full life we are intended to experience.
Me & My Big Mouth
Open mouth. Insert foot. Ever said something you wish you could take back? Of course you have. We all have. Even if what you said was true, those words may have cost you your job, your reputation, or even a relationship. Conversations don't come with backspace buttons, so how do we prevent our big mouths from getting us in big trouble next time?
WHEN IN ROME…Living for God
Young or old? Male or Female? Politically red or blue? Theologically conservative or progressive? Cultural majority or minority? Mask wearing or non-mask wearing? Socially acceptable or deviant? Economically privileged or disadvantaged? Which camp are you in? What labels do you use to tag others? American culture is currently extremely divisive and polarized. Conflict among followers of Jesus is nothing new. Every major revival began with an examination of the book of Romans - Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley. What is so significant about this particular letter written thousands of years ago that could be so influential and have such an expansive impact? In this letter to a very divided group of house churches, Paul challenges believers from all camps that together in Christ they form one superseding camp - the family of God. Interestingly enough, Paul doesn’t try to resolve the conflict, but rather manage the conflict and instruct people to surrender their privilege and live together in humility, love, respect and service after the example of Christ. Join us as we consider how this ancient letter that brought peace in the early church and revival in the church generations later, still has relevance and potential for revival for us today.
God Sightings
What would you say if you had the opportunity to talk to a graduate or give a graduation speech? This is the time of year when parents, schools, coaches and others who have invested years into helping equip young people for the next season of life are wondering if all the effort will “take.” Jesus knew the time after his resurrection and before he ascended to be with the Father was short, so he spent his time intentionally. Who did he meet with and what did he say and do to launch this tiny local gathering into a global movement that is still growing in impact today? In each of the stories of appearances of Jesus after the resurrection, Jesus met each person where they were and helped them take the next step. Regardless of your season of life, perhaps it’s time for a God sighting of your own and to consider your next step in living for God!
Ever felt you were in need of a little miracle? Thirty-four miracles are listed in the Gospels and John intentionally highlights seven. God wants to do now what he did then. However, more important than focusing on the miracles themselves is to get to know and follow the only One who can perform them! Join us during March and April as we invite God to breakthrough with meaning, purpose and power and make our impossible possible!
God Speaks
Ever wonder if God still speaks or if that was just something that happened in ancient times? The truth is that not only does God still speak today, but God is speaking to you! But what is God saying and how do we hear God? Part of our difficulty is turning down the noise of the pace of life so that we can turn up the voice of God. Join us this winter as we explore some of the tools that can help us hear the voice of God!
Christmas in the Middle
Ever felt caught in the middle at Christmas? Caught between what you want and what others want? Between crazy festivities and just wanting a silent night? Between pleasing your parents and satisfying the in-laws? Between giving people what they want and giving to people in need? Between putting up the tree and making room for the manger?
The reality of Christmas is that we are caught in the middle. Caught between the secular and religious aspects of the holiday. In the middle of knowing Christ has come and Christ will come again. What if taking steps towards moderation and simplicity didn’t detract from enjoyment, but actually decreased the mayhem and increased the meaning of the holiday? What if acknowledging the secular and incorporating the religious actually reduced stress and created a more rewarding celebration of the season? We invite you to join us in December as we explore how to experience deep meaning and faithfully live Christmas in the middle!
Ask a person you would consider is “godly” what regular practices have helped their faith grow the most and often they will point to Bible study and prayer. It is amazing and wonderful to think that prayer is an opportunity to talk with the Creator and Master of the universe at anytime, anywhere about anything! On the flip side, it is extremely humbling to realize that even though God knows what we are thinking, God still delights when his children invite him into conversation about our hopes, dreams and concerns. On a darker side, there are times in our lives when we wonder if our prayers are even heard or are actually making a difference. In the end, we recognize that prayer is both a comfort and a mystery. Join us for the journey as we encounter both awe and intimacy with God through examining The Lord’s Prayer.
Together in 3G
What does God really want for my life? Is it really possible to become more like Jesus? The answer is YES! There is a rhythm of life that helps transformation become more natural, regular and lasting. It begins with three simple words: Gather, Grow and Go! Balance, contentment, purpose and power come together when we put these three words to practice as individuals and as a church. Join us as we explore this catalyst to a deeper adventure with God! Disciples Gather, Grow and Go together!
Ephesians: Soak Up the New Life
Looking for a little encouragement? Who isn’t?! Interested in knowing the benefits of following Jesus? Why not?! Wondering what it looks like lived out every day? In Christ, believers have been showered with God’s kindness, chosen for greatness, marked with the Holy Spirit, filled with power, freed from bondage and brought near to God. Want a little of that? Well come and get it! This summer we are walking through a letter written to a church in Turkey thousands of years ago that describes all this! But wait, there’s more! After you soak it up, then you’ll be able to live it out!
It’s likely you have a threatening giant in your life… an adversary or stronghold that’s diminishing your ability to live a full and free life. Frozen in the grip of rejection, fear, anger, comfort or addiction, we lose sight of the promise God has for our lives. Demoralized and defeated, we settle for far less than his best. God has a better plan for you, a plan for you to live in victory. That’s why he has silenced your giant once and for all. The key to living isn’t trying harder, but keeping our eyes on the one and only giant-slayer - Jesus. Join us as we put our hope in Jesus and watch our giants fall!
Experiencing God
Interested in God being more integral in your everyday life as you move into a new year? Is it really possible to know the will of God? Sometimes it may feel as though God gives you a life plan and then abandons you to work it out. However, the reality is that God invites ordinary people to experience him in extraordinary ways through a relationship with him. Join us as we explore seven realities for Experiencing God.
Hallmark Christmas
Raise a glass of eggnog for a “Hallmark Christmas”! All of the movies conclude with friendships mended, families laughing together around the fire and the guy ALWAYS getting the girl. That’s the standard we secretly wish for, but it isn’t for real, right?! Would you be interested in a hope that lasts, a peace that endures, a joy that sustains and a love that doesn’t quit? Sounds too good to be true? Join us this Christmas because everything is turning out Hallmark!
5 Things
Imagine how different your outlook on life would be if you had absolute confidence that God was with you. Imagine how differently you would respond to difficulties, temptations, and even good things if you knew with certainty that God was in all of it and was planning to leverage it for good. In other words, imagine what it would be like to have PERFECT faith. Using Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith by Andy Stanley, we will look at the five things God uses to grow BIG faith.
Influence. How can we have a growing influence on our children, family, workplaces, schools, community, and world? If our church closed, would the community even notice? Churches are often known negatively for what they are against. What if our community knew we were for them? Instead of trying to shine the spotlight on ourselves, let’s focus on how we can shine the light on good things happening around us. Let’s consider the number of ways we “the church” can serve our community without appearing self-serving.
You Asked For It
We asked you and New Life has responded! These are the questions that keep us up at night. So, during the summer we will explore the top ten questions New Lifers are asking about faith and life. Join us every week for a new, unique topic such as evil, heaven and hell, anxiety and what makes Christianity special among other world religions. You asked for it!
Holy Spirit: Embracing the Fullness of God
Feeling burned out? Disconnected from God? Unable to discern God’s voice? Have you read the Bible, but can’t remember the last time you felt God actually speaking to you from the pages you read? Have you prayed, but felt like it was only talking into the air? Did you go to church last week, but this week found yourself losing your temper, joining in gossip, entertaining lustful thoughts or even lying about something? God has a remedy for all these problems - the gift of the Holy Spirit. We can possess the same Holy Spirit Jesus had while on earth and have access to that same power. We can learn the ways, discern the voice and join the mission of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we explore why the Spirit inside you is better than Jesus beside you. Life Groups will be using Jesus, Continued… by J.D. Greear.
Seven-Mile Miracle
From time to time we all feel stuck in our relationship with God and frustrated by life’s setbacks. Jesus faced what could have been the ultimate defeat on the cross. Yet he emerged triumphant through his relationship with his heavenly Father and showed us the way so that we could do the same. Often the last words of anyone’s life are deliberately chosen, extremely memorable and deeply instructive. Utilizing Pastor Steven Furtick’s Seven-Mile Miracle, we’ll explore how Jesus’s last words offer mile markers for our journey in our relationship with God. It’s a lifelong journey and it’s not always easy, but Jesus is both our guide and our destination as we travel. After all, we are not simply believers—people who have put our faith in Jesus. We are not simply disciples—pupils who learn from him. We are called to be followers of Christ. This is your opportunity to follow Jesus through his death, and move forward in his resurrection power, starting now.
Exhausted, overwhelmed, overscheduled? What if you could live a different life? Every year at this time we are trying to recover from the holidays and make new resolutions. Some are difficult to maintain throughout the year and yet others become a lifestyle. What if we were to commit to focus regularly on simply what was most important. Although we would each live it out in our own way, in the end, we would become the people God intended and the church God intended. Life’s too short for distractions that cause us to expend sideways energy, so let’s narrow the focus of our lives. Together we’ll explore practical tips and spiritual insights to help declutter our soul, stop doing what doesn’t matter and create a God-first schedule so we can experience purpose, fulfillment, connectedness and joyful productivity.
Cozy Christmas?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… or is it? For some, Christmas brings with it cozy thoughts of sweet songs, pleasant people, crackling fires, warm blankets, piping cider and scrumptious cookies. But what if the season doesn’t elicit that for you? What if while everyone else is having a “merry old time” you are reminded of cold weather, barren branches and the loss of someone you love? Or what if this Christmas isn’t so cozy and the fire goes out, the cookies burn and you find yourself really not excited about the people you are going to have to be with? Come join us as we explore how the first Christmas wasn’t all that cozy either, yet God was able to bring light, hope, peace, joy and love out of difficult situations.
The Good Life
What makes the good life? Proverbs shows us that there is an aspect of God, His wisdom, that can guide us through our lives. As we will learn, anyone can tap into this wisdom and develop the skills of making a good life, so long as they are careful to respect the source of this wisdom—God. Join us each week as we consider the complexity and simplicity of living wisely, so that we might experience the good life!
If is a powerful little word. Some people are stuck in "if only," trudging through lives marked with regret. But God wants us to live lives marked with possibilities, with the "what if" attitude that looks forward to the future with confidence. Why? Because the answer to "If God is for us, who can be against us?" is "No one." God is always on our side. Every day, in every way.
With his trademark enthusiasm and contagious joy, Mark Batterson helps us overcome feelings of guilt, fear, and doubt because in Christ there is no condemnation. Unpacking the promises of Romans 8, he shows us that we are more than conquerors—right now and forever. And because of that, the possibilities for our lives are limitless.
In our fast paced culture, we are always in a hurry to get somewhere. And the faster we can get there the better. But what if the journey is more important than the destination? For sure we want to be headed in a certain direction and the thought should propel us and guide us. But most often we will spend more time on our way getting there and being there. (After all, the joke is that we are never there but we are always here!) Instead of always waiting for sometime when and then, what if we started living here and now. Summer is a great time to dial it back, consider where we are going, determine if we really want to wind up there and figure out what we are to learn on our way there. Join us this summer as we enjoy the adventure of the journey together!
I am
Examine the portrait God painted through his Son, Jesus. What is your heart craving or longing for? These series includes some stories about the one who brings new life. Where can Jesus bring life in your story?
The number of ways God works in people’s lives is as numerous as there have been people walking this planet! The variety of expressions is as beautiful as walking through a modern art gallery exhibit. Some people’s portraits are dramatic. Others are a picture of God’s steady faithfulness. Some express God’s rescue and redemption. Others depict God’s comfort and companionship. Each work of art is unique and inspiring in its own way. How would your story be captured? What is your phrase? What is your one word of what God has done for you? Join us as we hear real life stories from real people about God’s real resurrection power at work!
Extravagant Love
Life is messy, yet there is a purpose. God’s plan for us may not always be clear and direct. It’s a process. Sometimes it involves pain and may not look like what we think it ought to look like. Other times life feels free and flows smoothly. All the while God is revealing his heart and shaping our heart at the same time. Everything about the birth and life of Jesus culminates in his death and resurrection. It is through the death and resurrection of Jesus that we most clearly see God’s extravagant love for us. It is by the way we live our lives that we most clearly display our extravagant love for God.
No one eats an apple for the seeds, in fact if you don’t eat the apple all the way to its CORE you won’t even know a seed is there. This is true when it comes to churches. Not a lot of people choose a church based on its list of core values. The more likely factors would be the type of music, the Pastor’s personality, stage lights during worship, free coffee! It is not until you become a part of a church family until you really learn what is at a Church’s core. What makes a church the way it is. What factors determine the choices a church makes. Just like apple seeds are found at an apple’s CENTER, our core values are found at our CENTER. It is our foundation. The Life of an apple is in found in its seed! The only way other apples can be made is with an already existing seed. An apple wouldn't be an apple without the seed. A seed is a huge part in reproduction. The same goes for New Life. We really wouldn’t be who we are without our core values. We wouldn’t be able to reproduce (our mission statement) without our core values. Our Core Values are WHO we are, our mission statement is WHY we are, and our strategy is HOW we are going to do it.
wish list
What’s on your wish list? It’s that wonderful time of year, when retailers are bombarding us with ads and messages that are more than happy to point out what we’re missing in our sad little lives and just how happy we can be if we get that new gadget or toy. Yet if we dig a little deeper, we admit that what we really want most are the things that can’t be bought in a store or online. We want hope, love, joy and peace. The awesome reality is that this is not only what we want, it’s what God wants for us. Join us this Christmas season as week seek to not only survive the holidays, but to celebrate that the Savior who has come and is coming again, who not only brings but is hope, love, joy and peace!
2020 Vision
Ever stood in front of a closet full of clothes trying to find something to wear? Ever traded in a perfectly good car for another… car? Ever killed some time talking on your cell phone while standing in line to get a newer version of the same phone? Ever go shopping just to relax? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you might be rich. Most of us are richer than we think. If you make $37,000 a year you are in the top 4% of wage earners in the world. Since you are rich, join us as we discover how to be good at it!
Most of us aren’t in danger of ruining our lives. We’re in danger of wasting them. Are you unsatisfied with the kind of Christian life you’ve settled for? If you are tired of cul-de-sac Christianity or self-help pseudo solutions, today is the day God’s greater plan for your life begins in full force:
Greater than the labels you were given when you were young.
Greater than the cynicism that settles in as you get older.
Greater than the dreams you’ve dreamed for yourself.
Greater than even the greatest moment you’ve had thus far.
In Greater, Pastor Steven Furtick draws on the biblical story of Elisha to give you the confidence to know that nothing is impossible with God, the clarity to see the next step God’s calling you to take, and the courage to do anything God tells you to do.
shout out
What you do on a daily basis matters and makes a difference. Are you strategic and intentional or just hoping for impact? When we pray and focus our efforts, we proactively live into the pattern God intends for us and experience the joy of fulfilling our purpose. More important than what you do is why and how you do what you do. Join us as we give a shout out to EVERYONE!
Life Stories
Prior to Easter we learned that God is the Artist, we are the brush and our lives are the canvas. In our Gallery series we marveled at portrait God is painting through the lives of several fellow New Lifers. During this series we’re going to examine the portrait God painted through his Son, Jesus. What is your heart craving or longing for? Last year we heard some stories of where Jesus brought new life. This year we want to share some stories about the one who brings new life. Where can Jesus bring life in your story?
What are the lies in the back of our heads that keep playing like a broken record and reinforce our insecurities?
Why are you here? What is your purpose? Where do you fit into the bigger story that God is writing? How should your faith affect your career, your money, your family, and your life? Why does it matter? You will find your deepest purpose only when you discover the unique role God created for you to play in his unfolding story. Just before he left, Jesus sent his followers into the wold with a revolutionary mission: to change the world by proclaiming God’s truth and demonstrating his incredible love. But the single task he gave us to accomplish remains unfinished. Join us as we rediscover the critical mission of Christ in our world today and the richness of God’s calling on our lives.
SOUL DETOX: Clean Living in a Contaminated World
As we begin a year of missional focus on local and global health, it’s important for us to examine our own personal health. So, what’s chipping away at your soul? What’s getting in the way of you becoming all God created you to be? Join us for worship and Life Group as we explore the top influences that are leaking toxic waste into our lives and those around us. We aren’t planning on just discussing what is affecting us, we’ll also explore ways we can clean up, overcome and prevent future spills! Start your year off heading in the right direction with a little soul detox!
The Christmas Experience
Two frightened young parents, a newborn babe, a bed of straw. What if what happened then changes everything now? It’s easy to forget that the Christmas holiday has anything to do with God’s plan to restore mankind to himself. But the fact is that this commercialized, secularized holiday is meant to commemorate the most audacious miracle of all time - the arrival of Immanuel, God with us. The Christmas Experience shows us that Jesus is worth waiting for. His coming into the world may not make our circumstances easier - in fact, like many who experienced the first Christmas, the very opposite may be true - but he does give our lives purpose and true joy. He brings a joy that the world cannot give or understand. The people who lived through the miraculous events of that first Christmas experienced firsthand the impact of Jesus’ life. Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men - all of them would be forever changed. That can still happen today. It can happen to anyone who turns their eyes to Jesus, God with us, and travels with him through Christmas story as if for the first time. (Based on The Christmas Experience by Kyle Idleman)
DOORS: Stories of Our Faith
Everyone’s got a story. Some people’s stories are dramatic. Other stories are more subtle. Some involve tragedy, while others play like a comedy. Like beautiful doors, our stories open up marvelous tales of adventurous faith. The trouble is we’re missing out on some of them, because they aren’t being told. Join us as we not only hear some great stories of what God has done and is doing, but we also learn some of the principles of good story telling so we can share the story God is telling through our lives!
DOUGH MATTER$: Taking Care of God’s Business
Donut shops seem to be a “rising” business in the Richmond area (Krispy Creme, Duck Donuts, Powhatan). Dough not only matters to business, but also to families and ultimately to God. Finances are still the number one reason for divorce in America. Jesus must have known the struggle we’d have with this particular resource, because he talked about it more than prayer, heaven and hell combined. So, how are we to balance earning, saving and spending? How are we to use all of the resources God has entrusted into our care to fulfill his purpose in the world? Join us for this series as we discover the help and hope we need to “rise above” the tough matters with money
Stepping Stones: Taking Steps of Faith One at a Time
The demands and expectations of work, family and activities can become overwhelming, especially in the fall. Before you know it, the calendar seems jammed with events already scheduled for you! We may accomplish many things by the end of the year, but how do we know if they are the right things? How do we know if they are leading us to a place we really want to end up? Why not start the busy fall season stepping in the right direction with these three key stepping stones to help you arrive not only where you may want to go, but where God wants you to be. Let’s take these steps of faith together - one at a time.
Source: Rest, Refreshment & Renewal
To take a summer Sabbath doesn’t mean to take a vacation from God, it means to find our rest, refreshment and renewal in God. God designed us to be replenished in him, yet so often we just press on to the next thing. The Chinese pictograph for “busy” is composed of two characters: heart and killing. The revival our hearts is found not in doing one more thing for God - it’s found in simply being with God. Relying on God will quench the thirst of our souls. As we walk through the Bible passages on this topic, we will discover that God is our Rock, our Refuge and our Redeemer. Join us this summer for rest, refreshment and renewal!
If you’re not daring to believe God for the impossible, you may be sleeping through some of the best parts of your Christian life. Want to know how to grow in your faith and believe God to do the impossible in your life? We’ve prayed God would use this radical series to transform your life and help you step into the unique calling he’s placed on your life. What is the impossible thing God wants to do through you, for you and in you? Like Joshua in the Old Testament, may God answer your next sun stand still prayer!
NOT ALONE: Standing with the Poor and Imprisoned
No one wants to stand alone, yet much of the world feels as though no one is for them. During the 40 days prior to Easter, we’ll be gaining a better understanding of the circumstances of those who feel alone to deal with the situation life has dealt them. Together we will focus on the journey of God’s people to find freedom through a physical exodus in the wilderness. At the same time we will engage in a spiritual exodus through the work of Jesus. Through an invitation to Life Group, prayer and fasting and a special offering, we’ll take on a kingdom experiment of taking only what we need and sharing the rest. We’ll connect with the poor and let them know we are standing with them and against some of the systemic evils (such as global poverty, consumerism, compulsions, addictions) that oppress millions around the globe. We will not sit down, turn a blind eye or deaf ear in the presence of oppression and injustice. We will recognize that God is leading us as his people to be his restoring hands that bring healing to the suffering.
Is your guardian angel yawning or can you claim that every day is an adventure with God? What if churches do to Christians what zoos do to animals? Before we begin looking at ways to serve others who are “in prison”, we need to examine the ways we are caged.